Thursday, September 29, 2011

I feel as though I've discovered a treasure trove. 

Since encountering Elizabeth Goudge, via Lanier's writings, I have been on the lookout for Miss Goudge's books.

I have to admit that when I first picked up one of her collections of short stories, I only read a few before returning it to the library.  Somehow, it did not capture my imagination nor was I willing to devote the attention required by its beauty.  Beautiful books cannot be skimmed.  They must be absorbed word by word.

During the summer, I was poking about the library and spotted several of her books.  Castle on the Hill had me drawn in on the first page.  I've since devoured two more, A Pedlars Pack and The Golden Skylark.  Each one is filled with beautiful thoughts and word pictures.  She reminds me a bit of L.M. Montgomery in her descriptions of nature.  If I ever make it to Europe, I would like to visit the Channel Islands.  For that is where the Du Frocq's live with their mischievous, good hearted children!  

My summer reading plans never quite materialized.  I didn't finish any of the ones that I had on my reading list.
But, I made a new book friend in Elizabeth Goudge.  I'll be seeking out more treasures by her and looking to add some to my collection!    

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