The Gardener

The Gardener

I'm Lora.   Christian, Family Member, Friend, Nerd, Geek, Bibliophile, Horticulturist, Book Collector, Student, Teacher, Worker...     

Behind The Name "Garden of My Heart": 

When I thought of the Garden of My Heart, I was in high school.  I think the idea came from the first half of a poem by Robin Jones Gunn. 

Within my heart a garden grows,
wild with violets and fragrant rose.
Bright daffodils line the narrow path,
my footsteps silent as I pass.
Sweet tulips nod their heads in rest;
I kneel in prayer to seek God’s best.

I loved plants, and I liked the idea of my heart being a garden that I was tending and making beautiful.  This blog is a reflection of my heart and life.  I am the gardener but God is the owner of my heart and life. 

1 comment:

Gardenlady said...

Wow, love the thoughts that you express.