Wednesday, July 27, 2011


adherence to moral and ethical principles; soundness of moral character; honesty.
the state of being whole, entire, or undiminished: to preserve the integrity of the empire.
a sound, unimpaired, or perfect condition: the integrity of a ship's hull.


I've been watching Zen, a new mystery series on pbs, this week. The whole point of the show is that Detective Zen is a man of integrity on a police force known for its corruption. I've always thought of integrity as doing what's right regardless of the cost. Yet, for a man with a reputation for integrity, Zen bends the rules when he needs/wants to. He has a double standard when it comes to relationships. He uses his pull to get his rival reassigned.

Still sound like a man of integrity?

Maybe compared to the rest of his department.

When did integrity become a relative matter? By the end of the show, I wasn't sure that I liked him very much. It was a well done show and enjoyable but I couldn't get past the integrity issue. Even according to the definition, he wasn't acting with integrity as he violated his own moral code. At least, he never claimed to be a man of integrity. I'll give him that.

Friday, July 15, 2011

I know why the birds are angry...

Is it wrong to want an iPad just so you can play Angry Birds?

We have an iPad 1 and an iPad 2 at work that we're testing to see how they work with the online components of course work. Part of that testing is making sure that we can help students that may have trouble. Part of that included downloading apps. Now, when I download apps I try to find something free and "educational." While I was at lunch yesterday, someone was testing out the new Apple Cloud app store downloading and downloaded a bunch of games. When I came back, I was told to download a free app to try it out. With everyone watching, I chose the first free thing at hand... Angry Birds. Well, I actually looked around for awhile for something more... ahem... "educational" but alas, nothing could be found. Ahem.

I had heard about it... the "addictive" properties, the fun. I had even had someone show me the app on their phone. So during a quick break, I decided to give it a whirl. It was the hardest thing to put it down and go back to work. Now, I want to play it at home.
I'm pathetic; I know.

Besides Angry Birds, I've become relatively proficient in all things iPad related. I've spent more time on Apple products in the last 3 weeks than I have since we used to play games on an old Apple IIc.

The iPad has such awesome capabilities for being a tool in the classroom. Need to demonstrate the piano/scales to your students? There's an app for that! :) There are so many great programs that allow you to enhance the classroom environment with very little output (money/time) on the part of the teacher.

I'm really hoping to get to play with Doceri someday soon. It gives you an interactive whiteboard (some schools have those now!) but with the ability to move around the room while "writing" on the board or pre-arrange a presentation.

I'm totally jazzed about some of what I'm doing. It's nice to feel invested in something and part of a team. There are days where I'd rather be working with kids or outside and not in my concrete cave but I like my job. I've tried hard to keep a good attitude about it. In the beginning, it was rather frustrating. I would come to work and there wasn't a set list of responsibilities as the work ebbed and flowed. It was frustrating, I wanted to feel productive and all I could do was clean out my inbox. I missed the freedom and responsibilities I had in my previous jobs. I still feel that way sometimes.
But then I can pick up the iPad and work on my "testing." ;) Actually, (sadly :P ) I usually end up filing or shredding when I finish my work but at least I'm productive with my time.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Things that make me smile....

Nature's Artistry

A Cat in the Box

Tiny Flowers

Cute Visitors at Work

Finding the Unexpected

Something I Call "Fire Bush"

"Sticky Monkey Flower"
Mimulus aurantiacus

Lupinus arboreus?

BEANie Babies

The Little Garden Plot

Tree Hugs

Tree wrinkles


New "Tools" at Work

Fun Colors

Finished Projects

Watching my brother try something new... And rocking it!

Ant -i -bodies

If you give an ant a library book, it's going to bring it's friends.
I'm in the midst of an ant war... I've kept my room clean since moving in but these ants are wonderful at finding any bit of anything, a stray m&m, watercolour paints... I've cleaned, vacuumed, wiped and sprinkled repellant (at least three of those everyday!). I bought poison (this is pretty drastic for me) and yet they keep coming. They're all over my deck too. I have no idea what they're after anymore...

But, I think I've found the solution... MacGyver style! ;)

Time to pull out the big guns!