Thursday, December 9, 2010


(Photo by Lora)

I'm itching for music. I can't just turn on the radio or itunes and be satisfied. No, this itching is in my fingers. My fingers are itching for an instrument other than this (laptop) keyboard. In the absence of an instrument I've taken to typing my notes to music and keeping the beat!

I was in Target on Monday and while desperately looking for a piece of electronics that I will never use again save for this one class (ahem) I saw IT. A keyboard, on and waiting to be played. I stopped an played a bit but I couldn't compete with the Christmas music. Can you say discordant? :)

Over the Thanksgiving holidays, I had the opportunity to see my brother play piano for the first time since starting classes. I was impressed with his ability. He's integrated his drumming theory to the piano to create an amazing composition. My goal over Christmas is to work with him to transcribe it. One of my favorite memories from break is slipping into the music room at church after the Thanksgiving service and trading knowledge back and forth on the piano. This trading will be short-lived. "B" is taking music theory and will soon outstrip my meager ability.

Since being at the University, I've had little contact with musical instruments. Target, Thanksgiving and borrowing someone's guitar at a beach bonfire have been the extent of my musical moments. I'm looking forward to going home, being able to play on "my" piano, and celebrate the first coming of our Lord and Savior. Just one more week and a bit!

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