Back to finals... (the thought process here is representative of finals week) :)
My exam on Monday for Learning and Teaching was straight forward but I think I write too much! The physics exam was straight forward. There were a couple of points I could have studied better but over all it was a good straight forward test. It helps when the TEN point extra credit portion came straight from the review session the day before. I am so glad I didn't skip!
The group presentation for culture went well. The professor brought pizza since we were the last and only group to present that day. How to ensure an audience: food. The presentation went well; my closing was inspired by God since none of us had prepared a closing. I had a lovely chat after class with the professor regarding adoption outside of one's ethnicity and culture. Adoption is near and dear to my heart and I was curious as to what I could/should do as a someday mother of children that may not look like me or be of the same culture.
I spent most of my study time working on a narrated power point presentation on national education standards. It worked out but was super time consuming.
For my major pro seminar class, I had to turn in an action piece for my critical issue. I ended up writing to my senators and representative regarding national education standards. The second half of the project was justifying my reasoning.
The last letter, was to the president of the university regarding student support of the climate change initiative. That was ridiculous as our lab data was totally flawed and not useful. It was nice though to write the letter with new friends.
To round out the finals week experience, I had my post-final dream. I always have a dream after finals where I'm late to class, forgot something or missed the final. This time I was there for the physics final but was too distracted to write! I was approached by another student in the dream to take their test for them. The teacher caught on to what happened (I said no) and the other student turned in their paper with my name written all over it. The dream ended with me trying to convince the professor that I should be allowed to finish my test. He was being non-committal (just like in real life). He finally asks me to explain what I studied. I blank, and when I start to give a really good explanation of what nuclear fission is: I wake up. At that point I have to give myself a reality check of what is real and that I did finish all my finals!
Friday I was car-less as the alternator went out Thursday resulting in a tow, finding a new auto shop and a fun evening out with friends culminating in a Trader Joes run. On Friday, I went to the graduating senior project/thesis presentations. I am now really excited about the possibilities for my project! I got my car back yesterday after a introduction to the local bus system and enjoyed a quiet evening. At least until I went to bed! But that is a story for another day.
I am off to the land of Spare Oom.
Enjoy the Holiday!