Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Post 50!

So for having this blog for three years, this is only my 50th post... Can you say slacker? ;)

Then again, my motivation to post has increased over the last year since this is a great medium for sharing my life with family and friends.

I'm sitting on the floor, looking at clouds rolling overhead. It looks like a time lapse video; they're moving so fast! I should be working on a paper for tomorrow but it's halfway finished and I've been called in to work.

My hawk buddy was back outside my window, yesterday. A hawk looks a lot like a scrawny chicken when he/she stretches up to get a better look at something. I think it's the legs... I love it when the hawk hunts outside. It reminds me too look up, and usually I grab my camera to take pictures.

Currently my camera is out of commission until I find my batteries. I have a pack of AA somewhere in my room, but with finals week my room isn't the best place to find anything. It looks like Miss Messy moved in. This is not ok. I don't like Miss Messy and she will not be staying long. Part of the problem is that my garden moved inside since the exterior of the building is being painted and there's a lot of clutter from that. Paper, my worst enemy has taken over. I started the semester with neat files for every subject. Now, I have neat piles for every subject. So much for a campus move towards sustainability and reduced paper usage. At least filing will be easy. I just have one paper and I'm done for the semester!

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