You've caught me at the best time. You see, I had started taking pictures of my books a few months ago to post but never got around to it. I took pictures of the most accessible bookshelves and stopped. Now, I'm looking at the possibility of moving in August and it was suggested by my roommate (sister, who would like a more minimalist look) and parents that I should box up and store the books since it would be quick, easy and make my summer much simpler. So I started boxing...
and boxing...
I already have two boxes under my bed. Now, add to that the 9 other boxes stacked next to my bed; it's like a built in bed now! I didn't realize I had so many books! I only had a 3'x3' bookcase, two 4' shelves and a 7 1/2' shelf. Of course, the long shelf was double stacked and I had carved out other spaces (under the bed, in the closet, ahem). The books are all boxed with the exception of a couple Spanish books, Bible studies, writing books and cookbooks which I know I will need at the University regardless if I move or commute.
I took pictures of the books in the boxes as a record so those are posted here as well. Almost all of my books are book sale finds, from recycled book stores or gifts.
(From left to right) Wives and Daughters, Jane Austen, Five Little Peppers Collection, Understood Betsey, The Prince and the Pauper, Deerslayer and Last of the Mohicans.
My favorite surprise finds: Pansies and Waterlilies and one of the Lulu's Library series)
Not pictured: Hardy Boys 1/2+ box
I hope you've enjoyed a peek at my shelves. Most of these are children's collections but I have a fair amount of classics that didn't get pictures taken before being boxed.
God be with you!