So I think I'm a library addict! The quantity of books I've checked out has increased exponentially over the last few weeks. I've always loved the library. Devoured books like crazy. Within 15 minutes yesterday, I had a stack of 9 books checked out and headed to the car because I couldn't hold any more. Never mind that I still had unread books waiting at home from another library! I started carrying a larger book bag earlier in the summer and thought that my borrowing increased because of the space! This time I didn't have a bag so no excuses.
Lora's new favorite authors:
- Lora Roberts (not just because of her name!) She writes some great mysteries set in the Bay Area. She has an excellent Sherlock Holmes style mystery as well.
- Catherine Palmer - I've enjoyed every thing I've read of hers. Some of her earlier works were a little soapy in a clean Christian way. (Wouldn't want anyone to take them as a way to find a mate - romantically idealistic)
So you don't think I'm completely mush headed with fiction; I'm also reading a great book on carnivorous plants, a botany textbook, two books on church health and knitting/crocheting for dummies. :)