All our rabbits have had odd names though: Niko, Ajax, Tootsie Roll and Hershey (Dutch Chocolates), Blackberry (thorny rabbit), Doc and Matthias. Tootsie Roll was the funniest name. At 8 years old, Liz would take her to the retirement home and introduce her as Tootsie. The little old ladies eyebrows would shoot up and a comment like "Really Dear?" would follow. Mom or Dad would jump in with "Tootsie Roll, you know, like the candy?". The older gentlemen would just chuckle.
Our bunnies are sweet though. Peter is a gray (lilac) and Benjamin is white with gray markings. Peter is sort of friendly but Benjamin has some learning to do. Most of our rabbits have been good at giving signals if they need to use the facilities but Benji hasn't learned that yet!